Data spaces & sovereign hosting

28 Sep



Data spaces are the latest vision of how data transactions can happen in a way that is qualitative, reliable and secure, as well as scalable, economically viable, socially relevant and legally fair.

Our society and economy increasingly build on knowledge and revenues that follow from generating, analysing and sharing massive and diverse amounts of data - some already more valuable or sensitive than others.

Join us on the 28th of September as we explore the relationship between data spaces and sovereign hosting, uncovering the implications and challenges in combining data sovereignty with compliance under the General Data Protection Regulation.


  • 14h00: introduction on data & EdTech / IMEC (Lien De Bie and / or me)
  • 14h15: data spaces: tech aspects (Bart Matthys)

Data spaces: business models (Aron-Levi Herregodts)

Data spaces: legal aspects (CITIP)

  • 15h15: coffee break
  • 15h30: partners of giving their view on sovereign hosting (Microsoft & Proximus)
  • 16h30: networking

Register here!

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Data spaces & sovereign hosting

28 Sep



Data spaces are the latest vision of how data transactions can happen in a way that is qualitative, reliable and secure, as well as scalable, economically viable, socially relevant and legally fair.

Our society and economy increasingly build on knowledge and revenues that follow from generating, analysing and sharing massive and diverse amounts of data - some already more valuable or sensitive than others.

Join us on the 28th of September as we explore the relationship between data spaces and sovereign hosting, uncovering the implications and challenges in combining data sovereignty with compliance under the General Data Protection Regulation.


  • 14h00: introduction on data & EdTech / IMEC (Lien De Bie and / or me)
  • 14h15: data spaces: tech aspects (Bart Matthys)

Data spaces: business models (Aron-Levi Herregodts)

Data spaces: legal aspects (CITIP)

  • 15h15: coffee break
  • 15h30: partners of giving their view on sovereign hosting (Microsoft & Proximus)
  • 16h30: networking

Register here!

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Our latest Edtech barometer shows that we are tracking 408 educational technology initiatives, including 373 commercial initiatives (356 Edtech, 7 hardware, and 10 big tech companies) and 35 projects.



Almost two thirds (205 companies) of the 356 Belgian Edtech companies mentioned above are in the start-up phase. 85 companies found a clear product-market fit and are scaling up. Lastly, 58 Edtech corporates – almost a sixth part of the Edtech ecosystem have already reached the big corporate status.



he total turnover of the Edtech sector based on the results of 65% of the (only Edtech) companies who shared their figures. Almost 70 percent of these companies have up to 1 million euros of turnover.